Thursday, January 1, 2009

Moho Comradrie - Reflections after the New Years Party

Last night I attended the Moho New Years party at Scott and Sarah's.  As indicated by my previous post, I was apprehensive about how the evening would go.   When I arrived, it took me a little while open up and get comfortable. Of course, one thing about a party full of Mormons is that we don't have the social lubricants used by most of society...

But things started to flow, and I met some wonderful people.  I would list them, but I wouldn't want to list names without permission.  Needless to say, everyone was really amazing, friendly, and fun.

After some delicious food and conversation, the karaoke came out, and I sang showtunes and James Taylor and more with D. from "No Day But Today", and though I couldn't always hit the highest notes, I still thoroughly enjoyed myself--I should go to a karaoke place sometime.

After we rang in 2009 with sparkling cider/juices and a toast to our host, we settled in to a game of Catch Phrase.  I thoroughly enjoyed this--some of the highlights included one of Scott's boys saying "it's something you hang up at christmas", and accepting the answer "Holly Berry", when the phrase he'd been reading was actually "Halle Barry"; and a clue to get "gizmo"--"It sounds like that prison in Cuba".  Hilarious times.

I was graciously allowed to spend the night since I had 4+ hour drive back to St. George.  Alan from Scrum Central was also staying, and I was privileged to share some thoughts and feelings about the church and my life path.  Having the opportunity to discuss things with someone who understands the intellectual and spiritual perspective with out translation was so cathartic--I'm sure I'll enjoy discussing it with my therapist on Monday.  

One of the things that's interesting is that Alan has kids, and part of me is incredibly jealous that he has a family, something I've always wanted and continue to want.  Yet, he is jealous of me, and my coming to terms with myself at a young enough age that I'm able to choose a path o my own.  The grass is always greener on the other side?  Well, frankly, it all sucks, but we manage to make it work.

We must remember that the situations in which we are placed are exactly what we need to experience to grow into the person that God has in mind for us.  If was placed into Alan's situation, I might not be able to handle it, I might snap--but the converse is also true--Alan wouldn't necessary be the man he has become had his situation been different.

In the end, I am so blessed to have been able to attend.  On my drive home, I reflected on how far I've come, what I've learned, how much I've changed, and overall--how happy and at peace I feel.

It was an amazing moment, and as I drove home thinking fondly of all my new friends, the sun setting on the first day of a new year spoke to me so feircely that I pulled over and took this photo stitch.
Here's to a new year of beauty, happiness, and joy.

PS:  I thought some of you fellas were really cute... you probably know who you are... :)


  1. Thanks, Ezra, for your kind words.

    First of all, the evening was as enjoyable for me as it seemed for all of you, even though I found myself to be a distinct minority. I love the spirit of happiness and freedom that all of you bring into our home.

    Secondly, it baffles and touches me to know that God has entrusted me with this understanding and calling so that I can be a true friend to each of you. Thanks so much for coming. I love you all, and I am the luckiest woman in the world to be blessed with so many incredible friends.

  2. Gee, I've never been hit on in a blog PS before. ;-)

    It was indeed a delightful evening and I really enjoyed talking with you Ezra, I'm glad it was cathartic for you (me too). Very true about the grass being greener and all that. But also very true that God tailors our situations according to what He knows is best for us. Nobody's life is perfect. But I think we can agree on two things: (1) Sarah is an absolute angel and Scott is one lucky duck, and (2) all of us at the party are better people for having been there with and for each other.

  3. Whatever, Alan. I guess I should accept the compliment gracefully and just say thank you, but all I can do is roll my eyes and say "whatever". :)
